Jelenlegi hely

NOE nemzetközi nyári egyetem felhívás

A NOE idén először nemzetközi nyári egyetemet is szervez. A 20 és 30 éves fiatalok, július 10-14 között, számos tudományterületről hallgathatnak meg magyar és külföldi előadókat a család témájában.

A nyári egyetem munkanyelve angol.

Jelentkezési feltételek és további információk angol nyelven:

The National Association of Large Families (commonly referred to as NOE in Hungarian) proudly presents its first Summer University on family issues in Budapest between 10-14 July 2017.

The Summer University brings together interested young people from diverse geographical, cultural, and academic backgrounds for an intensive five-day alternative educational program on family issues. The program comprises diverse lectures, workshops and a field trip. Participants will gain an insight into the psychological aspects of marriage, mental health issues, challenges effecting marriage and family life, issues of family vs career, the importance of NGO’s, the legislative framework of family policy. The multidisciplinary composition of the courses provides participants with a stimulating environment full of inspiring and thought-provoking themes.

Entertainment and recreational programs also add to the flavour of this unforgettable week in the beautiful capital of Hungary. A pro-active attitude of participants, willingness to work hard, and open-mindedness are essential to the success of the event.

Scholarship details

The working language of the event is English, therefore a high command of English is required.

Since the program starts early in the morning on Monday, participants should be prepared to arrive in Budapest on Sunday 9 July and leave on Saturday 15 July.

The following expenses of successful applicants will be covered by organisers:

● accommodation in Budapest during the programme (9-15 July, 6 nights)

● two meals a day (breakfast and lunch) - dinner has to be organised on your own

● local travel pass for public transportation

● attending a variety of interesting cultural programs in the afternoon.

The applicant has to cover following expenses:

● travel to and from Budapest

● dinners

● visa and insurance fees (if applicable).


We offer need-based partial cover of travel costs to limited number of applicants. Application for partial reimbursement of travel costs should be indicated in the on-line application form.

The Summer University will take place at Sapientia Catholic College (1056 Budapest, Piarista köz 1.)

Application procedure

Successful applicants should:

● be aged between 20-30,

● speak fluent English, proven by a Language Certificate (minimum level: B2)

● fill in the online application form before deadline,

● have at least basic knowledge in family-related issues and tendencies,

● submit a Curriculum Vitae or Resume (including publication list, if available),

● submit a Letter of Recommendation (in English) by a teacher, a job supervisor or a priest/pastor

● submit a photo of yourself that characterises you in one of your “typical” environments (e.g. family, work, hobby, community etc.)

● submit a home-made video (max. 3 minutes) or ppt presentation (min. 5, max. 10 slides) about one of the two topics:

○ “Family policy in my country - as I see it”; OR
○ “If I were the minister for family policy in my country, I would...”

Maximum number of scholarships to be awarded: 20. If the number of applications significantly exceeds the quota, applications from Europe will be preferred.

The on-line application form can be downloaded from here. The CV, Letter of Recommendation, photo and home-made video or ppt presentation should be sent in ONE e-mail to the following email address:

For further information, please contact the following email address:

Deadline for electronic application: 31 May 2017. Late applications will not be considered.

Applicants will be informed about the selection result no later than 15 June 2017.

The National Association of Large Families wishes a successful application.

Az információk változhatnak, érdeklődj a megadott elérhetőségeken!
Pontatlanságot találtál? Itt jelezheted nekünk!

Imami: minden egy helyen, amire egy szülőnek szüksége lehet!

Ne maradj le a helyi családi programokról, hírekről, információkról!
Iratkozz fel hírlevelünkre!

Neked ajánljuk!

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